

Having been terrified of having a vaccine to illicit an inflammatory response, I did much research and had to base my decision on the best information I had and could find,  and trust the advice of my amazing Acute Medical Consultant and a Professor, a virologist from Reading.  I didn’t want the vaccine for fear of having my diseases flare to a point where I would have to go back on steroids or worse. However, I had to make a choice. Possible COVID-19 or vaccine. My consultant, virologist, GPs, Lupus UK, Versus Arthritis etc etc etc were probably sick to death of me constantly asking questions, literally questioning everything.  I had and have so much to say but now is not the time.  Hundreds of emails and phone calls. I had my 6 monthly biologics on 1st and 15th December 2020. I had my 1st AstraZeneca vaccine on 6th Feb 2020.   I then had 2 incorrect antibody blood tests done and eventually the correct blood test done after throwing my toys out of the pram, the...

Hand Surgery March 2018

Non-functional dominant right hand... Night splint worn for 2.5 months Day splint worn for 2 months to keep scar tissue to the minimum After many months and working my hand hard to get the best result, I now have a functioning hand Thanks go to my 2 surgeons, plastic surgeon and my amazing Occupational Therapist who made me splint and after splint and spent hours refining the splints for me to get my hand working again.  Also to my chap and family who supported me throughout having to drive me everywhere for 3 months. Updated - sadly second hand surgery in Dec 2019 did not correct and now my fingers are all crossed over.  Wear a permanent splint.  Left hand surgery taking place 2020... tho I reserve the right to change my mind having got sepsis after last op.

2nd Infusion Done!

I had my second infusion today.  Up at 6.30am, drove over to Mom who then took me into hospital by 8.15am and thankfully, this time, I was fortunate that there was one 'bed' which I quietly laid down on, whilst being so grateful my appointment was for 8.30am.   Will come back to the first infusion when I feel ready to post.  There were 4 of us in today (3 Rheumatoid and me!) arriving at different times throughout the morning. Cannula in, IV steroids infused,  big 'ole antihistamine dose in and then Rituximab (Truxima) infused.   SJC son arrived around at 2.10pm and infusion finished at 2.15pm.  Perfect timing.  Cannula out and SJC drove me home, then sleeping for a further 3 hours.  I cannot tell you how good it was to be home. Still experiencing headaches from hell and awaiting MRI brain scan. Soon I hope.  Also awaiting hand surgeries but can't do that soon due to the risk of infection with immune system so compromised. Now the b...

It's all a bit strange...

It's been a tough few days, hard to explain and total lack of motivation... I will talk about the effects so far in the next few days but I need to be in a better head-space first.   Thankfully, the infusions went well; 6 hours of a biosimilar called Truxima which is rituximab, but cheaper!  No reactions on the day and since then I've spent much time asleep but struggling with nausea and reflux and ugh ugh ugh.   More than that though, I simply don't feel right... very tearful, a feeling that I just want to scream but I don't know what about... the antisickness meds help but ugh, just feel sick, low and rather grumpy.  So, 'nuff said, I shall resume when I feel a tad better.  Just pleased to say as yet I have no whiskers, cheese cravings or tail growing! Thank you to my fella who is putting up with his more-than-normal-weird-woman, thanku SJC for always being ready to make a cuppa (lots of peppermint tea) and thanku to those who may read this - I am hoping...

The Wolf Within

Have you ever woken up one day, kept your eyes closed, lay in your bed and thought “What will today bring?” Yep, I guess most people will have done that at some stage… I’m a little different.   I wake up each day, keep my eyes closed and think “Which part of my body will not be working as soon as I move?” Some days I’m lucky and I can move my arms and legs and there is no immediate pain… most days, there is pain somewhere, but I never know where until I start to move.   Some days, I cannot move and the pain is too much to bear and it's not simply just pain, I feel ILL. Sometimes getting out of bed is difficult enough… stairs, well, mostly I go down them backwards, eating is difficult when my jaw won't work or the nausea kicks in, headaches and and and… the fatigue never ceases. It’s overwhelming, it’s life sapping. However, some days I can get up and all appears well – but during the day something always happens, some part...