
Showing posts from May, 2021


Having been terrified of having a vaccine to illicit an inflammatory response, I did much research and had to base my decision on the best information I had and could find,  and trust the advice of my amazing Acute Medical Consultant and a Professor, a virologist from Reading.  I didn’t want the vaccine for fear of having my diseases flare to a point where I would have to go back on steroids or worse. However, I had to make a choice. Possible COVID-19 or vaccine. My consultant, virologist, GPs, Lupus UK, Versus Arthritis etc etc etc were probably sick to death of me constantly asking questions, literally questioning everything.  I had and have so much to say but now is not the time.  Hundreds of emails and phone calls. I had my 6 monthly biologics on 1st and 15th December 2020. I had my 1st AstraZeneca vaccine on 6th Feb 2020.   I then had 2 incorrect antibody blood tests done and eventually the correct blood test done after throwing my toys out of the pram, the...